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Scientific activity

The research team focuses on preparing organometallic and coordination compounds with an emphasis on studying structure-structure relationships, their static properties and reactivity, and possible applications in catalytically controlled processes and materials. The focus is on the chemistry of non-metals and metals of the major groups, specifically from alkali metals to boranes, aluminium compounds and halogens. They use diverse ligands, particularly nitrogen and carbene ligands, to stabilise unusual groupings of these elements and their lower oxidation states.

International cooperation

Prof. Jens Beckmann – Universitat Bremen, Germany

Prof. Matthias Driess – Technical University of Berlin, Germany

Prof. Pierre LeGendre – University of Burgundy, Dijon, France

Five of the most important projects

Programme: LL – ERC CZ (2012–2032), Project name: Kladně nabité heteroborany (Positively Charged Heteroboranes), Provider: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Chemical Technology, Principal investigator: Ing. Jan Vrána, Ph.D., Project period: 2023-2025.

Programme: GA – Standard Projects (1993–2050), Project name: Superhydrofobní materiály na bázi heteroboroxinů (Superhydrophobic Materials Based on Heteroboroxines), Provider: GA0 – Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Chemical Technology, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Roman Jambor, Ph.D., Project period: 2023–2025.

Programme: GA – Standard Projects (1993–2050), Project name: Organokovové kationty telluru pro aktivaci E-H vazeb v boranech, silanech a fosfinech (Organometallic Tellurium Cations for the Activation of E-H Bonds in Boranes, Silanes and Phosphines). Provider: GA0 – Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Chemical Technology, Principal investigator: Doc. Ing. Libor Dostál, Ph.D., Project period: 2022–2024.

Programme: GA – Standard projects (1993–2050), Project name: Dusíkaté ligandy pro prvky nepřechodných kovů – objemnější, konjugovanější a reaktivnější (Nitrogen Ligands for Non-Transition Metal Elements – Larger, More Conjugated and More Reactive). Provider: GA0 – Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Chemical Technology, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Aleš Růžička, Ph.D., Project period: 2020–2023.

Programme: TA – Epsilon (2016–2030), Project name: Výroba polyglycerolu a jeho uplatnění ve výrobě alkydů, polyesterů a polyuretanů (Production of Polyglycerol and its Application in the Production of Alkyds, Polyesters and Polyurethanes). Provider: TA0 – Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, Main beneficiary: SYNPO, a.s., Secondary beneficiary: University of Pardubice / Faculty of Chemical Technology, Principal investigator: Prof. Ing. Aleš Růžička, Ph.D., Project period: 2019–2023.

Five of the most important scientific publications or patents of the team in the last five years

VRÁNA, J.; HOLUB, J.; SAMSONOV, M. A.; RŮŽIČKOVÁ, Z.; CVAČKA, J.; MCKEE, M. L.; FANFRLÍK, J.; HNYK, D.; RŮŽIČKA, A. Access to cationic polyhedral carboranes via dynamic cage surgery with N-heterocyclic carbenes. Nature Commun. 2021, 12, 4971. Available from: doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-25277-0

Hejda, M.; Duvinage, D.; Lork, E.; Lyčka, A.; Černošek, Z.; Macháček, J.; Makarov, S.; Ketkov, S.; Mebs, S.; Dostál, L.; Beckmann, J. Lewis Superacidic Tellurenyl Cation-Induced Electrophilic Activation of an Inert Carborane. Chem. Eur. J. 2021, 27, 14577-14581. Available from: doi: 10.1002/chem.202103181

Vítek, D.; Růžička, A.; Vermeersch, L.; Dostál, L.; Turek, J.; JAMBOR, Roman. Reactivity of a N-Coordinated Germylene-Borane Complex: From Ge -> B to Ge -> Ga Coordination. Chem. Eur. J. 2022, 28, e202202639. Available from:

Yao, S.L.; Kostenko, A.; Xiong, Y.; Ruzicka, A.; Driess, M. Redox Noninnocent Monoatomic Silicon(0) Complex ("Silylone"): Its One-Electron-Reduction Induces an Intramolecular One-Electron-Oxidation of Silicon(0) to Silicon(I). J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2020, 142, 12608-12612. Available from: 2020

Straka, M.; Andris, E.; Vícha, J.; Ruzicka, A.; Roithová, J.; Rulísek, L. Spectroscopic and Computational Evidence of Intramolecular AuIH+-N Hydrogen Bonding 2019, 58, 2011-2016. Available from:

Most important awards received

Prof. Ing. Aleš Růžička, Ph.D. – Spectroscopic Society Award for the best set of spectroscopy papers (2002), Alfred Bader Prize in Organic Chemistry (2008)

Selected excellent figures at UPCE working in the field

prof. Ing. Aleš Růžička, Ph.D.
Faculty of Chemical Technology
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